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1:amez :

2024/01/28 (Sun) 01:24:56

we need more activity. Should we promote it somewhere?
2:な━ :

2024/01/28 (Sun) 01:26:00

we do! where do we promote it :o?
3:amez :

2024/01/28 (Sun) 02:18:24

does heyuri allow promo?
besides we can post about it on our spaceheys. I don't know any other place that would allow promo or wouldn't risk spam.
4:な━ :

2024/01/28 (Sun) 02:34:14

ah.. they do allow promo with the banners, tho im not sure if we should promote it there spacehey could work tho!
5:amez :

2024/01/28 (Sun) 03:06:47

would we risk spam if we promo on heyuri? I think
6:な━ :

2024/01/28 (Sun) 03:15:53

we would risk spam, and rule 4... so it would be better if heyuri didnt know about this

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